Maki Mummy (very big face/colorful No.1)     Vocal, Guitar     Favorite: Beer

NARU☆SHIN  (New Young Bass)     Horoscope: CAPRICORN    Blood Type: O
Favorite: Morning/Chocolate/Cartoon like Osamu Tezuka, Fujiko Fjujio      

IxDxMxUx     Drums.  She has  angel smile and angel voice.   Favorite:Bowling    Speaks a little bit Chineese

 '94 Spring, Maki Mummy, living in Osaka fell in love with the TESCO guitar  "SPECTRUM 5"
the middle of the band name with genius word writer who can play the drums, Rising Yuki-San and 
Nutsu Summer who wanted to be the bassist. Begin to play at Namba Bears and Thirteen Fandango. 
Do things like making demo tapes and on '96 took part in a with a fanzine omnibus tape called 
"Hyper Unknowns". '97 January, appeared in the BENTEN Label omnibus CD "BENTEN BENTO 2". 
This year on July the youngest guitarist, Youngest Akki joined the band. Their 1st album the four 
recorded with out taking a bath at a log house near Mt. Fuji, got out from BENTEN Label on '98 
February. Also, released a first EP form America's Detector Label, took part Spain's Muster Records 
girls band omnibus CD "All Kindsa Girls Vol. 5". '98 July, went to the United States alone and did 
a West Coast Tour. '99 February, recording the 2nd album, it will be out on July 25 from BENTEN 
Label. The drummer Rising Yuki-sun left the band after the recording, because of her marriage! 
Then  mummy got a new drummer,IxDxMxUx.  Mummy received "Indies Most Important Band 
Awards" in 1999 of one of the radio program in Osaka.  In March 2000, they had JAPAN NITE TOUR 
with Lolita No.18, Spoozys and Number Girl.  It went Austin (SXSW), New York, Sacrament, LA,
SF and Seattle. The tour was a big success. Naru(Wonder 3 Bass) joined Mummy as a new bassist
since then.Mummy the peepshow 3rd album & US tour LIVE video had just released in Japan.

Discography  T-shirt US Tuor EU Tuor 2001 EU Tuor 2002

TOKYO 160-0021 JAPAN
Phone: 81-3-5292-5550   FAX:81-3-5292-5552 
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