Lolita No.18 CD & DVD Special Package!

Lolita No.18

The Pioneer of all girl punk in Japan.
The most vigorous and the most famous girls punk band in Japan.


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lolita no.18

lolita no.18





* Lolita No.18 photo and
the report in English
@ Bessie Hall in Sapporo
with Perkinsons

* Lolita No.18 Europe tour
photo report

Petty Booka & Lolita No.18
@ Harajuku Astro Hall
Ukulele John Lennon
CD release party

* 2002/4/27 Lolita No.18&

* Lolita No.18 THE LAST SHOW
with Masayo,Ena,Kim*Rin,Aya
2001/12/20 Nagoya,
12/21 Osaka,12/28 Tokyo
photo report by Audrey Kimura

* more Lolita No18 12/28 live
photo by Ryo Tamada

This punk-rock-band-next-doors debut CD"KARATE TEACHER" was released in February 1995 from BENTNE Label and quickly captured the heart of both punk rock fans and cartoon fans. In March 1996, Lolita No.18 went to Austin, Texas to play live shows and record their second full length album. They played 7 places in Texas including the international showcase at SXSW.
Although they are singing in Japanese, the audience loved Lolita No.18. They did 2 radio live shows during their stay in USA, KVRX in Austin and KZSU in San Francisco. Their Texas recorded album "Sister Run Naked" was released that following July1996. They released their 4th album "FUBO LOVE NY" in July 1997 produced by Joey Ramone. Yeah, they are the first and last Japanese band Joey Produced. You can see how he enjoyed this project in the promotional video of Rockaway Beach.
In '97 they did an American tour in 50 day & went to 43 spots. (This US tour video was released from Sister Records) The members are all funny like cartoon character and vocalist, Masayo's weird voice also became the talk in all over the world. They released their 6thalbum (on Nov.18th in 1999 ) "TOY DOLL" which was produced by Olga from The Toy Dolls and recorded in Hull, United Kingdom.
In 2000 Lolita 18 did 40 places Japan tour then US tour again and did Europe tour also. The original member did the final show at Shibuya Club Quattro in Tokyo on Dec. 21 2001. Masayo, the singer and the leader got new bass player, Tacochi, new guitar,Tacchamen and new and powerful drummer, To-Bu and has started new Lolita No.18 since 2002.

Lolita No.18 Discography
1994.6.1 (2 song)/V.A.[BENTEN BENTOH] BNTN-002 (BENTEN)
1995.2.24. Debut CD [KARATE TEACHER]BNTN-005 (BENTEN)
1996.1.26 (1 song) V.A.[BENTEN UNPLUGGED]BNTN-011 (BENTEN)
1996.5 Split Single with DROOP CD/7" (Alternative Tentacle)
1996.7.25 2nd CD [SISTER RUN NAKED]BNTN-016 (BENTEN)
1997.7.25 1st Live Video [Adventure in USA- Live in Texas]BNTN-v26 (BENTEN)
1997.8.21 1st Single CD [SALOON]CRDS-2 (Sister/BENTEN)
1997.8.21 3rd Album [NIGE-NINJA]CRCS-1002 (Sister/BENTEN)
1998.3.18 2nd Live Video [ HIGE NINJYA U.S.TOUR'97]CRVS-1001 (Sister/ BENTEN)
1998.7.23 4th Album [FUBO LOVE NY ]CRCS-1005 (Sister/BENTEN)
1998.8.26 2nd Single CD[ROCKAWAY BEACH]CRDS-3 iSister/BENTEN)
1999.3.18 5th Album CD [YALITAMIN]CRCS-1007 (Sister/BENTEN)
1999.11.18 6th Album CD [TOY DOLL]CRCS-1008 (Sister/BENTEN)
2000.7.26 Mini Album"FUKUTAICHO" CRCS-1010 (Sister/BENTEN
2000.7.26 LOLITA No.18 live 1995 and 1996 BNTN-049 (BENTEN)
2000.7.28 LIVE CD "TOY DOLL TOUR 2000" CRCS-1011 (Sister/BENTEN)
2000.11.20 7th Album "TORININGEN -Angel of The North-" CRCS-1012 (Sister/BENTEN)
2001. 1.16 1st DVD "Lolita Channel TV Show" CRBS-1 (Sister/BENTEN)
2001.9.19 8th Album "THE GREAT ROCK'N'ROLL FESTIVAL!!CRCS-1013 (Sister/BENTEN)
2002.2.21 Last live Document DVD at Shibuya Club Quattro on Dec.
28.2002 CRBS-2 (Sister/ BENTEN)
2002.4.24 Split album with Nonstop Body "HANGRUBON" BNTN-059 (BENTEN)
2005.5.25 9th Album "CHECK THE MARTEN" DAKDLDR-2003 (Destroin)
2005.11.23 10th Album "NUTS THE ANIMAL" GNCN-1017 (Destroin)
2006.8.09 BEST BEST BEST MUST!! LDR-2004@(Destroin)
2007.11.7 18 Years...18th Anniversary DVD (BENTEN)
2010.9.8 AKIRAMERUKA? -I won't give up!- (BENTEN)


Artist photo(300dpi 12cm x 9cm)
LIVE photo(300dpi 12cm x 9cm)
Biography (pdf)
Official site in Japanese
Lolita No.18 site in English

Photo Galleries

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