||| TsuShiMaMiRe Photo Report |||

*~TsuShiMaMiRe US tour 2006 Fall~*

Thank you Atlanta! It was fun!
Thank you Stan, b-chan and Peelander Z!!!

TsuShiMaMiRe 2006.7.5 at Club Que

Anime Central 2006 in Chicago

TsuShiMaMire was invited to Anime Central 2006 in Chicago.
It was first experience to play at Anime festival for TsuShiMaMire.
It was incredible fun!! Acen was such a wonderful and happy event.
Thank you for Acen staffs, Junko and Tomoko from Japan and other
US guests and everyone we met there for the great time!!
Arigato x 1000 with lots of Love!
Hope see you again soon!
from Audrey and TsuShiMaMire.

2004.8.23 レコ発ライブ @ 下北沢CLUB251

SXSW 2006 -Japan Nite-

JapanNite US Tour 2006

Wild Wacky Party Japan Tour

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